Our Mission

We strive every day to simplify the complex, deliver quality with accuracy, and move business forward—for our partners and our people—in ever smarter and more sustainable ways. 

Our Commitments


Our customers and vendor clients are at the heart of everything we do. We make decisions with your success in mind. Your growth is our growth.

And we understand that you’re unique.

That’s why we vow to treat everyone with dignity and respect.

We proudly uphold the guidelines established by the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA).

We make accommodations so that you can receive goods and services in a way that meets your needs. Most importantly, we never promise more than we can deliver, and we deliver on every promise.


From books and magazines to packaging and plastics, accelerate360 Canaada handles 100 Million recyclable units per year.

We believe in preserving our natural resources—plain and simple.

As part of our green initiatives, we shred, bail, and transport all unsold magazines and paperback products to a recycling facility on a daily basis. We return hardcover, trade, and children’s books to the publisher upon the manufacturer’s request.

We facilitate the recycling of unsold or expired beer, along with performing reverse logistics on all empty beer kegs. Sodastream cylinders at accelerate360 Canada retailers are all reverse logistics items that we carry and return to Sodastream to be refilled with CO2.

And our commitment to environmentally-friendly practices doesn’t end there.

Our sustainability practices reflect our core values. We are just as passionate about preserving the resources we all share as we are about helping the people who depend on us.

Our routine practices include:

  • 100% of returned paper-based products are recycled or reused
  • Converting fleet vehicles to more fuel-efficient vehicles, as leases are renewed. We utilize diesel engine particulate filters to reduce particulate emissions
  • Adding high-volume, low-speed fans to our warehouse facilities to reduce energy consumption
  • Shutting off non-critical computers and equipment when not in use
  • Investing in more efficient systems and equipment and retiring the replaced equipment in an environmentally responsible manner
  • Conserving fuel and lowering our carbon footprint by delivering once per week to our Canadian retail client stores
  • Operating all Canadian Accelerate360 Canada large delivery trucks under the “anti-idling” procedure
  • All cardboard packaging is recycled
  • We engage in a plastic film recovery program
  • All operating waste is subject to a separation program that increases diversion and recycling rates while reducing waste hauling costs
  • We focus on programs that eliminate waste before it happens, such as the reduction of packaging materials through order assembly reengineering and reusable shipping container programs

Modern Slavery Report

TNG, a division of Great Pacific Enterprises Inc.
Modern Slavery Report 202
This Modern Slavery Report (the “Report”) addresses the period from January 1, 2023 to December 31, 2023 and has been prepared in compliance with Bill S-211, An Act to enact the Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act and to amend the Customs Tariff (Canada) (the “Act”).
This initial Report is made on behalf of Great Pacific Enterprises Inc. dba TNG (Canada) (“TNG”), ProLogix Distribution Services, GP (“ProLogix”), and AccuLogix Distribution Services, GP (“AccuLogix”), and is a joint report.

Click here for full report

Want to know more about accelerate360 Canada? Check out the links below.